
Why Not Get A Few Facts Straight?





THINGS TO DO to participate in Florida's Redistricting:

The first meetings on the Florida Redistricting proposals start in Tallahassee! Monday, June 20th 1:00 - 4:00 and 6:00 - 8:00, 412 Knott Building.

Others will be held in Ft Walton Beach, Pensacola, Panama City and Jacksonville, as well as throughout Central and South Florida.

Attend the upcoming public meetings. The more citizens who attend, the better. You are the best indicator about where you live and where your 'community' is. If you feel that it is important for your community to be intact within a district, then this is your opportunity to make this known.

Suggestions from the Brennan Center for Justice:  

  • Present community maps to those who draw the lines.  If there are public hearings, present maps of your community’s boundaries at the hearings.  If not, send proposed maps to your legislators, along with petitions showing numerical support for the districts you prefer.  the more you can emphasize the maps that should be drawn, the more likely they are to be reflected in the final product.
  • Develop alternative maps.  You may also want to step beyond maps of local communities, to redistrict the state (or city, or county) as a whole.  Those who are drawing the lines have to develop multiple maps in a relatively short period of time.  If you are able to give them a model, they will be able to use that model as a reference point.  And in the event that the maps they draw end up in court, courts will often look to alternative maps for guidance.
  • Educate the media.  Media outlets — particularly print and web media — are usually wary of self-interested government actors, and will be very interested in the redistricting process as it unfolds, and in the political impact of the final maps.  Few, however, understand the redistricting process in detail.  You have an opportunity to educate the media in 2009 and 2010, to let them know about how the redistricting process works, and how you think it should work, to drive media coverage of the process to focus on the goals you think.
From the National League of Women Voters:

Statement on Essential Principles on Redistricting

as formulated at Pocantico Redistricting Conference July 2009:
  1. An accurate and complete count in Census 2010 is an essential building block for all redistricting efforts.
  2. The process used for redistricting must be transparent to the public.
  3. The redistricting process, at all levels of government, must provide data, tools and opportunities for the public to have direct input into the specific plans under consideration by the redistricting body.
  4. In order to achieve representative democracy, redistricting plans must be drawn in a manner that allows elected bodies to reflect the diversity of the populace, especially racial and ethnic diversity.


Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please — Mark Twain


Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

Just so I'm understanding this:  corporations have rights like people, corporations can donate any amount to any political campaign at any time, donations to campaigns can be made by any foreign entity, without limit.  Money = free speech.  So, the more money, the more speech I'm entitled to? Do I have that right?

Move to Amend




Leadership Funds Make Florida Officially for Sale to the Highest Bidder

Florida Legislature proves once and for all that it is for sale

* The votes for the law were 89-31 in the House and 30-9 in the Senate. The House vote went largely along party lines, but in the Senate, newly elected Bill Montford, D-Tallahassee, voted for it.

By Howard Troxler, Times Columnist
In Print: Sunday, March 27, 2011.  Read the full article here.

The Florida Legislature proved this past week, once and for all, that it is the utter Whore of Babylon.

It is now legal in our state to pay off the Legislature directly, (effective immediately). Who says so? The Legislature.
On March 24th, the Legislature voted to relegalize a bygone and corrupt institution, outlawed in this state for more than two decades, known as "leadership funds."

These "leadership funds" are campaign slush funds operated legally and officially by the leaders of the Legislature themselves: The president of the Florida Senate and his successor, the speaker of the Florida House and his chosen successor, the "speaker designate," and the leaders of the minority party in the House and Senate. 
 (This means under the law, Senate President Mike Haridopolos, R-Merritt Island, and House Speaker Dean Cannon, R-Winter Park, are now able to raise unlimited funds for campaigns.)

This is Florida — where the laws of our democracy are now openly, officially For Sale.

And they call it 'reform.'


Last Year's Bad Idea for Unlimited Fund Raising Is Still a Bad This Year

Last year, then Governor Crist vetoed a bill passed by the Florida Legislature that would have permitted legislative leaders to raise unlimited money through leadership funds is being resurrected.

The House State Affairs Committee is considering a veto override on last year's bill that allowed top legislative leaders such as the Senate president, speaker of the House and majority and minority leaders to raise money through a special fund that is separate from political party fundraising.

In the Senate, veto overrides have not emerged yet in committees.

Republicans supported the bill to establish leadership funds last year, claiming it as a way to improve transparency in the fundraising process because it required quarterly reports of fundraising activities.

When Crist vetoed the leadership fund bill, he said he rejected the notion that affiliated party committees, or leadership funds, would benefit our state.

The Legislature originally outlawed these funds over 20 years ago.

Democrats who opposed the bill last session said that the public needs to know who raises money for political parties and who has discretion over how those dollars are spent and would have given lobbyists and corporations another way to influence powerful legislative leaders who wield considerable control over what bills are given serious consideration.

Campaign finance reform anyone?



The US Census Bureau announced today that 2010 census data should be released next week.
Under the Legislative Resources section at, there is a growing list of presentations that were done for legislators, their staff and other organizations.

During this period of open development and public testing of MyDistrictBuilder,it is a great time to learn about the MyDistrictBuilder application and several other ways Floridians can participate in the upcoming redistricting process.



Friday, March 18 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
All Saints Cinema, Railroad Avenue, Amtrak Station, Tallahassee
Another showing on Sunday, March 20th at 5 PM. 

Sponsored by the Tallahassee Film Society, a very timely movie about how voting districts are drawn and redrawn to benefit special interests.

Gerrymandering is a practice of political corruption that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating geographic boundaries to create partisan, incumbent-protected, and neutral districts. The resulting district is known as a gerrymander; however, that word can also refer to the process.



According to today's Miami Herald's blog, The federal government sent Governor Scott and other state leaders a letter today informing Florida that the "2010 Census Block Assignment Files" are now available.

All the data has yet to be provided. But it is now coming in. Text of letter is available here.

That data is crucial for redistricting, the once-a-decade process of redrawing political boundaries to ensure that politicians represent roughly the same number of constituents.

Read the full post here



Orlando Sentinel reporter, Scott Maxwell, pulls out his Malarkey Meter to rate the recent bill filed in the Florida House to repeal the ban on gifts to members of the Legislature.




Does artist Steve Lambert have the right idea? Conversation is the founding core of the Coffee Party movement.

Taking a moment to talk with someone instead of shouting just may be the only way to be
heard. And who's to say it has to always be about politics? Finding common ground is what builds relationships. Relationships build community. Community builds a better world.

Open with:

'Don't you wish Tallahassee weather could always be like this in February?'

and see where it goes. . .




FOR THE PEOPLE Summit convenes in Washington D.C. Jan. 20 to 22:

To mark the first anniversary of the controversial “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling, a coalition of advocacy groups and concerned citizens will host the For the People Summit, including a strategic conference at the Washington Plaza Hotel and a “We the Corporations” vs. “We the People”rally at the U.S. Capitol.

Speakers will include Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Studies, Marge Baker of People for the American Way, John Bonifaz of Free Speech for People, Ellen Hodgeson Brown, author of Web of Debt, David Cobb of Move to Amend, Eric Hensal of Murray Hill, Inc., Jim Hightower, author of Swim Against the Current, Lawrence Lessig of Fix Congress First, Michael Ostrolenk of Transpartisan Center, Steve Meacham of City Life Vida Urbana, Sanho Tree of the Institute for Policy Studies, and Kevin Zeese of Voters for Peace.

Bill Moyer of the Backbone Campaign and Annabel Park of the Coffee Party are two of the principal organizers. “It’s very hard to make progress on any issue without addressing the problem of money in politics,” Park said, “because right now it takes a nearly impossible amount of effort for ordinary people to compete with the daily influence that entrenched lobbyists enjoy. To succeed, we need to step outside the traditional left-right-center framework and find common cause across the political divide.”

Today, a growing coalition that also includes Center for Media and Democracy, Alliance for Democracy, and Move to Amend launched a new website — — inviting people around the country to create local events and/or participate on-line.

“The greatest political reform of our time will be to abolish the legal concept of ‘corporate personhood’ and the inherently anti-democratic equation of money with political speech,” Moyer said. “I believe this monumental task will be achieved in the coming years built on a foundation of community-based battles to return power to the People.”

In Washington, Summit events will include:

* Lobby Day on Capitol Hill (Jan. 20) supplemented by Lobby Days around the country
* “We the Corporations vs. We the People” Rally (Jan. 21 at 11 AM at the U.S. Capitol Area 9)
* Two-day strategic Summit (Jan. 21 and 22 at the Washington Plaza Hotel at Thomas Circle)

Nancy Price, Co-chair of the Alliance for Democracy, said. “80% of us disapprove of the Citizens United decision. 87% disapprove of the job Congress is doing. The American public will not accept a future in which we are no longer a self-determining people.”

For more information, contact:

Alyson Chadwick, Laurie Dunivant-Larsen • SummitPR @ 202.480.0259
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